Barbie World

Life as a photographer, mother, daughter, grandaughter, favorite aunt and oh... a teacher.

Is there any time left for just... ME? Not on your life!

But I wouldn't have it any other way.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Valentine's Day Festivities

While most people know, not everyone will ~ but Valentine's Day is my birthday - #37 for me this year.  Abigail had a party to go to for the first time and we got to work on her valentines cards. It took us all week, because I wanted her to help sign them herself. So we did a few each night. This was the bag we made to collect her valentines in at the party. It was a whole week of arts and crafts, valentines cards and candy. And LOTS of it! I think she was on a sugar high the whole week...

She was so proud of the bag she made!

Valentine's Day party with Tiny Tots playgroup. This was at Sims Park. It was really cold that day - so she couldn't wear her valentine's day outfit. But she really had a blast anyway. Lots of goodies, arts and crafts and of course a fun playground to play on. Grandma took her to the party, because it was my 2nd day in substitute teacher training. I really wanted to go, but was glad that Grandma agreed to take her. Thanks, Gram!
Here she is in her valentine's outfit. We went out to Chili's on Tuesday night. Ever been out on Valentine's Day? Not worth standing in line or the price of meals when you're just going out for a birthday dinner. Besides, Karin can tell you a GREAT story of getting all dressed up to eat at Wendys. That's another story for another day...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

For the Love of Cooking...

I've found my secret mojo in the kitchen. Not like Julia Childs cooking, but honest to goodness real recipes, that people are eating. I've found that not only do I enjoy the actual process of bringing together healthy, everyday ingredients to form a delicious meal, but I find that it gives me some sense of purpose again. I know that probably sounds weird, but we as Americans are so defined in what we do for a living, that when you aren't working, it is hard to define who you are. Besides, my very core definition of who I am is in a state of flux at the moment.

I'm a mom, most definitely - and a good one at that. My daughter, despite our upheavals lately, is happy, healthy and feels secure. She has a few good toddler friends and loves to read, or be read to that is. She is potty trained and eats relatively well for a toddler. She likes her vegetables and while she knows what french fries are, doesn't request them as a rule. She does have quite the sweet tooth though. She gets that one from her Mommy...

I'm a photographer. While I'm not making money at it at the moment, I still love the very thought of catching a person's emotion through a camera lens, then creating an essence in a portrait. I haven't been out shooting as much as I would like too, other than with my small point and click. My moronic husband sold my camera gear back with all the other stuff in Oct. Lot of things I could say about that... but I digress.

I'm part of a family. A vital part, I'd like to think. I have sisters and nieces and nephews and a mom and step-dad and a grandmother, along with a couple aunts and an uncle that I am part of. We do things together and laugh, and share stories and sometimes we don't get along; okay most of the time at least two people are getting along, but isn't that family? None of us are perfect. I try to help out my family when I can, even when it comes back to haunt me. My grandmother reminded me recently that "no good deed goes unpunished..." Isn't that the truth?!

I am a Christian. God sent His son Jesus to die for me, that I may have eternal life. I'm grateful for His grace, because I need it so often! I'm thankful for his presence, because even in the midst of constant turmoil, I have peace.

I am a friend. While I don't have a great deal of friends, the friendships I do have are precious to me and I am fiercely loyal to them. They know they can count on me for anything and I know the same in return. I'm blessed to have the right people around me exactly when I need them & can assist with their load when they need it.

And know I can say I am a cook. This is what started this post, right? It might not be apparent to most, but it really is a big deal, because I used to burn water. No joke. I've ruined spaghettio's before... But in trying to create a different, more savory flavor with the ordinary ingredients that my budget affords, I have discovered that I've also discovered a more savory layer of myself. And I really need that right now.