This is how I feel! I feel like walking around with a sign on the street corner like the homeless do begging for money. But instead of begging for money, I want to beg for a JOB! A good job. Is that too much to ask? I have a good education, lots of skills that are transferable from one career to another and an excellent work ethic. So what's the problem? Well, if you ask the "experts", the stalemate answer one gets is "the economy is still in the tank". Really? You think so? Hmmm... I didn't think of that one.
Now if you ask the politicians (all of whom ran on the platform of "creating jobs" mind you...) it depends on what party you are asking as to what the answer will be. If you are speaking to a democrat, the economy is still lousy because businesses are hoarding capital and not hiring despite handing out tax breaks like candy. If it is a republican doing the talking, they would say it is because the spend hearty democrats have burdened business with regulations and taxes that would otherwise create job growth. Everyone agrees that the so called stimulus funds handed out did little to stimulate such an ailing economy. That temporary solution is too expensive to try too many times.
If I had to take a gander on what the problem is I would say this: It's a little bit of both answers combined with the end of an era of Americans spending more than they make. If we take a good hard look at the last 20 years, so many of us have lived through credit, extended credit and more extended credit. We've financed homes and cars and education that is beyond our reach, and saved way too little for the proverbial rainy day. Well the rainy day has come and gone, and it is still raining. The forecast for the near future by the way is ~ more rain... Less items being purchased equals less money in business coffers. Less money in business coffers equals less money in the form of paychecks. Less paychecks equal job loss and families on the brink of disaster. All of it equals less taxes coming in to support local, state and federal government. Less money coming in to the government means either less federal spending (which equates into jobs...) or higher taxes. A vicious cycle that is very hard to break.
But I digress... I'm very thankful to have a seasonal job to go back to now that it is fall, but it isn't what I want to do, and by no means will it pay all the bills and allow me to fully support my 2 daughters. And it is only temporary. Come November, our photography season will be over, and I'll be looking for my sign... once again.