Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Beach Day!
Melanie, Dan & Miranda Kelley are distant cousins from Mt. Pleasant, MI. They are from my Mom's side of the family. I get to see them about once every 4 or 5 years. This year, they are on our coast for 2 days, then heading to the Magic Kingdom in Orlando. Have at it! It is so very busy there this time of year, I wouldn't go to a theme park, no way! But the local beach - now that sounded good!
I was also watching two of Maria's girls, so Sal, Baby Girl, Sabrina, Marissa and the Kelley's hopped into our cars for the short 7 minute drive to the beach. Yes, we live about 7 minutes from the local beach and don't get there very often. Yes, I see the irony...
We had a great time! There were a few locals, but mostly vacationers and snowbirds. How could I tell? The tell-tale sign of nicec cameras drapped around grandma and grandpa's neck. Also - there was a line for the infant swing that backs up to the water - so when you take a picture of the baby swinging, it looks like she is swinging out into the Gulf of Mexico. Enjoy the photos, and also enjoy shoveling that snow!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas Day
Christmas day with Baby Girl was absolutely wonderful! We started the day out at home with Santa's presents and those from Mommy and Daddy. Then we went to my mom's for Christmas breakfast. My sister Stacy was the gracious cook for the day. So gracious we didn't see her again the rest of the day - I guess cooking eggs and bacon was just a little too stressful for her. But we sure appreciated her efforts! After breakfast, back home we went for a quick nap before heading off to Grandmas. This year, we opted not to have a formal dinner get together, but rather a nice feast of sandwiches, deli trays, salads and other finger foods. Let's not forget the pies! Sabrina and I also made a few sugar cookies for Santa and to bring to Grams. It was really nice to see see every member of the family at some point during the day. It has been quite some time since I was able to see some people. We are having relatives from MI coming this weekend, so I am sure to post more later - but enjoy the pictures from the day! I hope each of you and your families had a blessed holiday! |
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Sunday, December 21, 2008
Free Woman!

Thursday, December 18, 2008
I'd be interested in knowing. Otherwise - pray.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
The Wal-Mart Greeter
Debbie & I would be fed up with dealing with the employee that didn't bother to turn his timesheet in but wanted HR to cut him a check yesterday; or want to strangle the manager who wanted to change her favorite RN to a PRN status from full-time for the fifth time in as many months - "just so she can get the season bonus rate"; or be just plain tired of dealing with the droves of people come in to fill out an application wearing only flip-flops and shorts - all while asking for a pen! So we decided that we should be the greeters at Wal-Mart.
Today I remembered why I didn't choose that career path. While the holidays are a great time of year - they are also very stressful. Money is tight - this year especially; time is extremely limited and retail shopping is a cut-throat business, not for the weak on foot. Wal-Mart, among only a few other places, is a place I truly do not desire to be during peak holiday shopping hours. However - what could be wrong with going on a Tuesday afternoon?
Boy, I really am not feeling well, am I? It is, for all intents and purposes, 9 days left till the big day. We just needed a few things - scotch tape (we've gone out to get this 3 times this week, I swear!), contact paper, a few items for dinner, and baby formula. Now, the formula poses a problem because we have WIC checks with which to buy the formula with. But other than that, not too bad, right? Read on...
First of all - it's a zoo. We park out in never-never land (I thought we were actually in the McDonald's parking lot) only to pull a sleeping Baby Girl from her car seat. We choose not to take the stroller in because we'll only be a minute and she'll fall asleep anyway in my arms. Sal has agreed to carry her if I get tired. We head in and fight our way through the taxi waiting outside, the smokers at the doorway, the non-stop clanging of the Salvation Army bell ringer just to stop at the Greeter station because Sal got the wrong size socks for Baby Girl last week and now we need to return them. There is a line at the Greeter stand! This should have told me to run... run very far away! But we continue with our socks properly stamped as "RETURN ITEM".
We enter at our own risk and Baby Girl has now fully woken up, and leaning every which way so she can see better. Of course people always stop to talk to her - as if she'll answer back. They are being sweet, which I appreciate, however, I have things to do and now we have to stop and talk to at least 10 other people in the store just because we have a cute daughter. Yes, we know she's tiny, thank you - we know she is a blessing, yes, thank you we do feed her - a lot actually, no she's not walking, crawling or talking yet. Yes - she has teeth & I would prefer that you don't let her chew on your fingers to prove it. Geesh... She tolerates the attention well - she actually likes it! Which of course, only encourages more passers-by to stop and chat with her. Baby Girl is in a good mood and seems to be enjoying the crowds. I, on the other hand, am getting blisters on my feet from sandals (it is 80 degrees out today). Our wait at the Customer Service desk is about 15 minutes - just as I begin to think we can just give the socks to my sister and her new born daughter, it is our turn. We have the receipt - so we get the cash back and head out shopping.
We find our items and to my surprise, pretty much stick to our list (Starbucks coffee was on sale for $7 a pound, so I just had to splurge!) and head to the check-out. Now we are in for a wait. It is the holiday shopping season and only 1/3 of the checkout lanes are even open! The lines are horrendous! At 2:30pm - 4 and 5 people deep with full shopping carts! We try to find the quickest cashier, even if the line is a little longer, because experience tells us that we are a pain in the rear with 10 cans of formula, two boxes of baby cereal and 2 jugs of Juicy Juice to be split up onto 4 separate WIC check payments. You are correct - each check has to be rung up and paid for separately. Counting our non-WIC items - we have 5 sets of orders. Somehow we ended up with the SLOWEST cashier in the place. We were in line for 15 minutes before our time came, then we took another 20 minutes (NOT even kidding!) just to check us out! Other than the WIC items, our stuff came to just over $20, so not that much. There was however, a very nice guy behind us who kept the now extremely heavy Baby Girl entertained. I tried to pass her off to Sal - but she wanted nothing of that. I'd rather lug her happy than listen to her scream, as tired as she was. Another day of disrupting her nap schedule.
On our way out, that same greeter still had a line of people waiting to speak with him - three deep. The bell ringing still clanging away, the entry room had escalated in temperature though to about 85 degrees. Mmmm! Can any one say deodorant?
No Debbie, I don't think I want to be a Wal-Mart Greeter. At least not this year!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Pictures with Santa
So Sal & I start out the morning at RaceTrac - great cappuccino! Then over to pick up Marissa where he slips both girls a $5 bill. Five dollars? I only got a dollar to go to the flea market from Grandpa, God rest his soul. But Sal was quick to point out that it was well over 20 years since then - $1 doesn't get much now. I told him that $1 didn't get us much then either - but I digress.
The flea market had a swap shop going on outside - that is where junk vendors (garage sales, recyclables, etc.) sit outside the confines of the market and wheel and deal. We picked up a fantastic real cherry wood coffee table that needs some TLC for $10! It will go beautifully in the living room. Sal picked up a couple odds and ends real cheap as well. Of course the girls' $5 each just burning a hole in their pockets. A mint condition copy of Beatrix Potter's complete fairy tales for only $5 just HAD to be bought to add to Baby Girl's growing mound of Christmas presents that we weren't going to buy... $6.50 on clothes for Baby Girl that were really cute (and a good buy!), $5.50 on three pairs of black socks for me (nothing sexy mind you - they are needed for work), $25 for four tiny slices of bad frozen pizza, 2 decent looking Cuban sandwiches until you turn them over to discover the burned grill marks, a small soda for the girls to split, and a large soda for Sal & I to split - they "threw in the fries for free", yeah right. Sal later went back for a $4 beer - twice.
So, one trip to the ATM later - it is time for Santa's arrival. No pomp and circumstance - he arrives out of the back of a pick-up truck, adjusting his beard. Not to worry - it is the picture I want. I know this is one of his helpers and not the real thing - I just want to get the coveted portrait for in her baby book (which I am 4 months behind on... - yes, she is only 8 months old today, so what about it?). Marissa and Sabrina are running around, oblivious to the fact that Santa is staggering - he is yelling "Ho, Ho, Ho!" or maybe it is, , , oh never mind.
The pictures are $5 each or two (of the same pose mind you) for $8. Being a professional photographer, I don't mind paying the small fees for nostalgia. I kindly ask if after we purchase two portraits of two separate poses ($16 for those of you counting), can I use my camera to capture an image for friends and family via e-mail? I was told no. Again, being a professional photographer I want to respect their decision and not disobey - as my husband is whispering to me that "it's okay - we can scan them in at home". I remind him that I sell portraits for a living and do not like it when others do that to me, so no, I will not scan in their portraits. We get great poses - just Santa, but Baby Girl was awake, happy and looking her best. She smiled with Sabrina and Marissa as well. It was beautiful! Then I looked at their portraits. A little dark and what?!? Red eyes? Who has a camera left with red eyes? Except for infants (they will always have red eyes) everyone else should be blue eyed and blond! I kindly let the lady know that her batteries are on the low side, as I recognize the drop in flash consistency in a less-than-stellar camera with low batteries deliver. She was so nice and said that if we came back in a little bit, we could use our own camera and get the shot we wanted.
I was elated! So off to roam the flea market a little longer. Hmmm... more money to spend. The girls haven't spent their money yet. Time to hit the dollar store. While they are browsing the dollar store, I find a shop offering baby dresses, pretty socks and hair bows. I just might be able to find that maroon colored hair bow headband to match Baby Girl's Christmas dress. The nice lady there offers to check at home, but no, they do not have any dark colors here today. Not all is lost however, she does have an ivory one that will also match. She promises to call if her shipment of matching ivory socks comes in before Christmas. The headband set me back another $3. Meanwhile Sal found some odds and ends for $5 and the girls spent their money - well most of it anyway. So back to get our picture!