Baby Girl is cruising! Take a look at her new skills on the video! She now has 5 teeth and a 6th on the way. She has taken a couple of nasty falls in the last couple of days. She wiggled out of her stroller and flipped out - head first of course - on the laundramat floor. I almost cried at that one... Today she fell backwards on Grams tile floor. Soft tiles - thankfully. Next week she starts day care at our local church part-time. Sal & I work a lot of hours - long days for just Grandma to care for her. So I will drop her off about 11am and Gram will pick her up about 3:30pm and keep her till I get home - around 10pm. I'm looking for a more family-friendly job, but we all know what the job outlook is like right now. I was offered a sales position at a Saturn dealership - which I would have LOVED to take - but since GM is considering shutting down the Saturn line - and soon, I'm not sure that would be a good option either. Of course this article is saying GM is funding through 2012, who knows with a mix of "The Big Three" and the government - a recipie for disaster, I say.
Anywho - I'll be celebrating another year here in a few weeks. What do I have planned? Working. Yep - photographing away on Valentine's Day. Although - I'm heading up a plan to spend the day at the spa soon afterwards - that's what I want for my birthday and Valentine's Day. Thanks to Karin for suggesting it! Hope all is well with each of you! Write soon!
Iowa. Nebraska. Midwest landscapes.
Big skies. Both Toy Story blue and dark and looming.
Farms and windmills.
Rows and rows of crops.
And an occasional fun bridge.
We are enjoying the d...
8 years ago
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