Barbie World

Life as a photographer, mother, daughter, grandaughter, favorite aunt and oh... a teacher.

Is there any time left for just... ME? Not on your life!

But I wouldn't have it any other way.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

Another bittersweet holiday. We had a delicious dinner, which I made might I add (okay with help from Grandma)... at Grandma's house. It was also nice to have a toned-down family gathering. Missing some of our regulars (Mom, Stacy & Bryce & John) and of course - my husband. Jen's kids went to inlaws and their father's house right after dinner, so there were even fewer kids running around afterwards than usual. We ate until we could eat no more and then we played cards for a few hours. Euchre is the game of choice around these parts.

But I couldn't help but wonder how my husband was feeling spending Thanksgiving without his family. I know it was his choice, but still I have not turned into some cold-hearted bitch. We haven't talked really, other than a few emails and texts since he left, but I'm sure Thanksgiving was just one day recently that he wishes he made another choice.

On happier notes, Gram & I took to the mall for Black Friday. We were happy to see our local mall filled with shoppers, as it usually is so barren we are afraid of it closing. I was happy that Aunt Nancy agreed to take Abigail for the day so we could be toddler free! Thank you Aunt Nancy! That was a HUGE help! I got a lot of shopping done and even snagged a $70 purse for $20 bucks for myself at JC Penney's. I realized that my Gram is really getting older than I like to admit. Normally she would have gone shopping all day and it not really bothered her. Friday, after 5 hours she was toast! Her back hurt and she was ready to plop into bed. I guess she is entitled, she is over 70... Although I have to admit, with the plantar faciitis in my right foot, after 5 hours my foot was killing me as well! I even wore tennis shoes, but it still burned like fire.

Saturday Marissa spent the day with us and we made christmas cookies. I let her & Abigail mix, roll out dough, use the cookie cutters and then decorate the cookies. I even took such cute pictures along the way! Only to realize that the memory card was not in Grandma's camera! I was so mad! My point and shoot will tell me if there is no card in the slot, but I found out the hard way today that Gram's camera has no such warning... Oh well, the girls had a blast and the holidays have begun! This evening we went shopping to a few more stores and headed out to Steak N Shake for dinner. Two nights and two days of thanksgiving food was enough for me!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Christmas Pictures

Abigail & I went to JC Penney's yesterday for our annual Christmas card pictures. It was bittersweet, because last year's picture was so different from what this year's card will look like. Although I'm certain that this year's card will shine like the bright star in the east, it will only don two of us. Last year my family seemed more complete. Sal was still around and Sabrina was a part of our busy mix. By now Sal has resettled himself in Denver and really doesn't want to be part of us, and Sabrina is happily back home with her mom, which of course, is where she belongs. However, it still seemed incomplete for a holiday picture of two.

In the end, Abigail was WONDERFUL for the pictures! I couldn't have asked for a better 2 year old! She smiled sweetly on command, giggled at all the right times, and was so beautifully dressed! While we both have experienced a pretty traumatic fall, we do have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving & hope that you do too!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat! Smell my feet...


We had a fabulous time trick or treating with Maria and her girls again this year. I had been practicing with Abigail all week to say "trick or treat" as correctly and loudly as she could. She rarely will say whole words, let alone phrases, so I wanted to give her lots of time to practice! I think she remembered going out last year, because she was so very excited! She picked out her own costume this year, and she was a gorgeous little devil! We tried to talk her into a princess outfit, but nope! Guess she knows her personality the little stinker! Anyway, enjoy the photos!