We had a fabulous time trick or treating with Maria and her girls again this year. I had been practicing with Abigail all week to say "trick or treat" as correctly and loudly as she could. She rarely will say whole words, let alone phrases, so I wanted to give her lots of time to practice! I think she remembered going out last year, because she was so very excited! She picked out her own costume this year, and she was a gorgeous little devil! We tried to talk her into a princess outfit, but nope! Guess she knows her personality the little stinker! Anyway, enjoy the photos!
Iowa. Nebraska. Midwest landscapes.
Big skies. Both Toy Story blue and dark and looming.
Farms and windmills.
Rows and rows of crops.
And an occasional fun bridge.
We are enjoying the d...
8 years ago
Such a perfect costume for her! LOVE IT!!