Ken & I spent last night and today with Amelia at All Children's Hospital. When we walked in, they were performing a spinal tap on her, which was very upsetting to me beings they hadn't discussed it with me first. That didn't start the night off well. I did get to hold her for about 2 hours last night before she had another apnea episode. This one lasted for just over 4 minutes. Of course they had given her morphine for the spinal tap, so I'm not really sure one can even count that one as an episode because of course if you give a sedative to someone who is already having breathing problems it would only magnify the problem. The neurologist came to see us and said he felt she was possibly having seizures and/or withdrawal symptoms from my medication that I take. I immediately felt horrible, but know that it is necessary that I take medication for my well being, which ultimately is for her well being.
The rest of the night and for the next 24 to 36 hours, they will have her hooked up to an EEG machine with audio and video to monitor for seizure activity. By the time we had left this afternoon, there had been no occurrences of noticeable seizures. This is good news! The doctors did say that if it is medication withdrawal, it should be completely out of her system within 5 to 6 days with no lasting effects. Praise God! If for some reason medication withdrawal isn't the answer, further testing will be necessary.
Hopefully tomorrow they can resume feeding her. She is hungry and feisty about not getting fed through her stomach. She is receiving IV fluids and nutrition right at the moment, but as long as she has the nasal cannula on for the apnea, they aren't real interested in feeding her. Although tomorrow I will discuss removing the cannula long enough to feed her.
If you would like to leave Amelia a note or message, I have been printing off the prayers and comments from friends and family to read to her. If you have a favorite poem or story, I would be happy to read that to her as well. She very much recognizes my voice and that of her sister and seems calmer when I talk with her, even at times when I can't hold her - like today. But since she doesn't seem to be interested in the mundane gossip, we have resorted to lullabies and nursery rhymes. Thank you all for continued prayers and blessings! We couldn't get through this time without you and without God's strength and wisdom.
Iowa. Nebraska. Midwest landscapes.
Big skies. Both Toy Story blue and dark and looming.
Farms and windmills.
Rows and rows of crops.
And an occasional fun bridge.
We are enjoying the d...
8 years ago
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