Well, we've finally made it to 38 weeks! I've been very uncomfortable these last 3 weeks or so, and experiencing a milder form of labor each night for about 2 weeks now. That's not to say that it doesn't hurt, or that it is pleasant by ANY means, but the hours of contractions I'm experiencing are not getting me anywhere ~ except to say that I can't sleep through them - so sleeping is out. They say that is nature's way of assuring 2 things. First, that the woman is fully ready to undergo the painful process of birthing a child and second, that one is fully prepared for the months of sleep deprived nights that lay ahead. Having gone through labor and birth once already, I would have just asoon skipped over the miserable part of pregnancy and remembered the lessons from the last one! I'm not usually one that requires retraining on important issues... Anyway - here we are, just counting down time, as so it seems. If I don't have her naturally by Wednesday, March 30th, I'm scheduled for my induction to start at 6:30am. So I should have her no later than the evening, if things go smoothly. We'll see! Hopefully she doesn't decide to make an appearance this weekend - I have plans on Sunday! Although Caroline (a friend) really would like her born on the 26th - as this is her birthday as well! We shall see!

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